By Ben Suazo

David Kenney (left) and Ben Suazo’s wedding, August 1, 2012. Their son Alexander (center) was their ring bearer.
Isn’t it fitting that on a day that we celebrate Dr. King’s life that for a second time we are inaugurating an African-American president in Washington, D.C.? On this historic morning my husband and I were woken up to the loud sounds of pots and pans in the kitchen. Our son who recently learned how to make eggs on the stove was proudly making us breakfast. “It’s an egg-nauguration day breakfast,” he proclaimed. We are always dumbfounded on how he manages to make such perfect eggs. They’re always the right consistency, not too soggy and not too dry. I think his secret is in his stirring technique. He never seems to move away from the pan while constantly stirring the eggs as they cook.
With our stomachs full and satisfied we all sat down in front of the television to hear our President Obama’s inauguration speech. “We the people declare today that the most evident of truth that all of us are created equal — is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls and Selma and Stonewall”…Did he actually say Stonewall?…My husband and I turned to one another with great surprise. But then several seconds later…”Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law, for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal, as well.“ WHAT?!!!
My eyes began to well up as I tried fighting back my tears. Our son looked at me in total confusion. My husband, as much as he could was no longer able to hold his tears any longer. These were tears of surprise and joy. The tears of finally knowing you’ve been heard, that you’ve been recognized and acknowledged as a human being to the world. Still appearing confused our son asked me why we were crying? He heard our president’s words yet he didn’t seem to understand our tears. You see, in his young world of 12 being gay never mattered. His question gave me hope for the future of this country. But then, I turned to look at my “New York State legislated” husband and was reminded that our struggle is not over.
“Our journey is not complete…”
Ben Suazo works as a marketing and administrative assistant for Gay Parent magazine. Photo courtesy of Ben Suazo.