Gay Parent Magazine Letters


Oh yeah and “Gay Parent Magazine” you guys rock...And believe it or not the LGBT community is not the only ones who enjoy reading... I have plenty of NON-LGBT friends that love your magazine....keep it up we love you guys....
Missez Ladyseductive via Facebook

You guys are amazing and as a gay male that cannot wait to be a father you guys inspire me every single day with your posts, thank you.
Pauly Varapodio via Facebook

We love the magazine and find a lot of things in it that are helpful. Our boys are getting older and are having many questions about being adopted. We do our best and love them bunches. It was great seeing our Mayor, Steve Pougnet and his partner Christopher along with their children Beckham and Julia on the last cover. Thanks so much for your hard work.
The Parkers, Palm Springs, CA

Hi, I am the mother of Kathleen Prince-Sayward who is on the cover of your November-December 2011 issue, and the story of her family is featured. I would very much like to have a copy of the magazine. I am very proud of my daughter and her wife and I adore my grandchildren of this marriage. I want to take the magazine to work and show them off. 🙂

I am so proud of my daughter and daughter-in-law: Bev for her wonderful talent and her great ability in being a home schooling mother and Kat for her desire to serve her country even when her country is not serving her. And both for their parenting skills, their bravery in being who they are, being fine members of their community and just being all round good people. Bless you.
Barbara Prince

My partner and I have a two year old daughter and we live in an area that is supposed to have a large number of LGBT families. But so far what we've found is that so many are trying to assimilate and they are very hard to find! We want our daughter to see that there are other families out there like ours, so we did some searching online and read about your magazine and ordered right away! Can't wait to get the first issue, thanks to y'all for all you do!
Michelle S., North Carolina

We love this magazine and will always keep subscribing as long as you keep going!
Cindy Barger, Schaumburg Township District Library, Illinois

Hello! Just wanted thank you for being at the LGBT Expo.  My partner and I are in the process of adopting through the IAC, so it’s great to have publications like yours to help inform and guide. All the best.
Paul Siebold, New York City

WOW. That is all I can say. I know that I would be a good father, and I thought that would never happen because of my gayness. Thank you for this magazine. You have given me hope. I graduate with my Masters in 2 years, and I will try to start my family soon after.
Robert Dempsey, New York City

Hi! Here I am in the backwoods, Bible-thumping Midwest, St. Louis–the nation's gut, and thinking I'm all alone. I have finally found your magazine and feel like I'm home. I wanted you to know that it was so inspiring to me to read the article by Angeline Acain on Terry Boggis. I have decided to start a support group here in St. Louis for gay parents and parent wanna-be's. We are called Family Tree ...We have had just 2 meetings and are already at 10 families...I am looking forward to sharing your magazine with the group at our next meeting. I've picked up copies for everyone! Thanks for filling such an important need. You're making a difference!
Julie Lynch, Missouri

RECENTLY YOU SENT US SOME MAGS! THANK YOU! We have a g/l/b parent group and a group for their kids. They all love the mag. Yea!!  Keep up the good work.
Sheila Bewsee
Program Coordinator
Compass, Inc., Florida

Hi. I’m sending a check for back issues numbers five through twelve. I’m so glad I found your magazine on the web!
Michael Elyanow, Illinois

We enjoy your magazine very much.
Ivy Belardo, New York

Thank you so much for your help. I am only 20, and a part time student/full time activist, but I intend to have a child some day when I meet Mr. Right and have a house, and a good job, and so forth. Anyway, I’m just so tired of so many (even gay and lesbian) people assuming that because I’m gay I’m not having kids. The thought of not having kids never occurred to me as a natural consequence of living my life honestly. And I know of many others in our local Springfield community who will be happy to know your mag exists.
Thanks so much,
Trint Williams, PR Guy
Gay and Lesbian Center of the Ozarks, Missouri

Hi. It was a pleasure to run across your magazine about and for gays and lesbian families online.  In a time when there seems little exposure on this kind of lifestyle within the gay community, I was happy to see that the future generations - our children - are finally being acknowledged as part of gay culture.

I hope to one day read a print copy of your magazine, and hope that it will also be available to the mainstream community.  Any literature that the gay and lesbian community produces, ultimately informs and educates the heterosexual communities about who gay and lesbian people are. Gay-positive imagery is not only a much-needed resource in our own community, but the society-at-large.

Your publication is worthwhile, and is important to the young people who have already come, and the young people who will come out in the future, and any other gay individual who is unaware of the possibilities for his or her future. Finally, another segment of the gay population is being acknowledged and exposed through your publication. Thank you for this.

After all, it is important that we do all we can to represent ALL people in our community.  It’s time to dissolve the gay stereotype that is self-perpetuated in the glbt communities, a stereotype that is not only personally hurtful, unfair, inaccurate and self destructive. Thank you for your commitment!
Ken Smith, Vancouver, BC, Canada

I just wanted to send a quick e-mail and congratulate you on the web site. My partner, Peter, and I raise two little boys, 6 and 4 years old, with their mother and her same-sex parent. It’s important to have resources such as yours.
David Kuefler, Vancouver, B.C.

What a wonderful find! While attending an out of town meeting to get ideas for the Gay Pride Parade and Diversity Festival I’m organizing in a local city where I work, I came across a copy of your magazine!
Living in a rural upstate NY community...who would have thought such a magazine existed...let alone another interracial lesbian couple with children!

My partner and I of 5 years have 6 children, 7, 9 (only girl), 12, 12, 13, and 14, which keeps us busier than we usually want to be. We’ve been called the “Brady Bunch of the nineties” by our friends and have even considered writing a book about  our lives, and our family. But time is always in great demand. Keep up the much needed good work!
Sheila DeFazio, New York

You awesome people. I became a single gay parent eleven years ago when I adopted my son from the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. I lucked out in getting to be Dad to the greatest Son a Father could wish for. Junior has now grown into a fine twenty one year old young man (Still living at home!!!) We survived the teen years, for which we each deserve a medal. We had a lot of support from family, colleagues, PTA, school officials and the community overall however it sure would have been nice to have had Gay Parent magazine.
Richard W. Lewis, Sr.

It is great to read other family making stories. We are the proud fathers of two adopted sons. Here in California we have been able to adopt jointly. Ethan just turned three and Victor is eleven months. I look forward  to more great stories.
Michael Hunter-Bernstein, California

 Your magazine is great! I just received the first issue of your magazine. It is both well written and down to earth. Gay Parent is a big hit!
Cheryl Deaner, Executive Director
All Our Families Coalition, California

I'm a gay man who adopted a newborn last year. I enjoy every minute with my child. I'm glad to have found It is a great web site.

I belong to the Metropolitan Community Church in the Valley, North Hollywood, California. We have a place within our church where we offer gay-friendly resource materials and I would like to include yours. Personally, discovering Gay Parent magazine was really great, I have six kids and I feel pretty isolated sometimes.
Judith Longman