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Gay Parent Magazine

Gay Parent magazine Receives Esteem Award

On April 24, 2015, Gay Parent Magazine was honored to receive an award for Outstanding Magazine for the 9th Annual Esteem Awards. is an online resource for news for the African American LGBT and gay-friendly companies. It houses profiles of gay authors, businesses, events, parties, conferences, fundraisers, support groups, and other online resources.

Since 2007,‘s Esteem Awards has honored local and national organizations and individuals for their continued efforts in supporting the African-American and LGBT communities in the areas of entertainment, media, civil rights, business and art.2015 Esteem Awards Press Release #1 Click on the press release below to view their full list of honorees. Their award ceremony will be held on July 4, 2015 at Sidetrack in Chicago. For more information visit their web site

Here is a link to their 2014 awards ceremony,

2015 Esteem Awards Press Release #2