Gay Parent Magazine Happenings

GPM included in Japanese book: Same sex couples and their children: The American Gayby boom by Mariko Sugiyama

The first book in Japan on the subject of LGBT parenting was recently published (see cover on left). Compiled and written by Asahi Shimbun reporter Mariko Sugiyama, the book is titled Same sex couples and their children: The American Gayby boom. The book features 20 families that were formed through foster care and adoption or […]

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For the 3rd Year Gay Parent magazine Part of Japan Youth Study Tour

For the third year in 2016, the group, LGBT Youth Japan, met with Gay Parent Magazine’s publisher and editor Angeline Acain in New York City. The group is a Tokyo based organization educating Japanese youth about the LGBT support systems employed by other countries. Their goal is to help guide Japan towards becoming a society […]

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Gay Parent Magazine Cover Portraits, Year Thirteen, 2010-2011

Below is the 13th year of cover portraits 2010-2011.Previous year | Next year November-December 2010 issue #73. Gay Parent magazine was the first media to publish a story about the Ham family with this issue. On the cover are Roger and Steven Ham with their 12 children, Logan, Madison, Jackson, Marcus, Ambrose, Andrew, Elizabeth, Cooper, […]

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Gay Parent Magazine Cover Portraits, Year Twelve, 2009-2010

Below is the 12th year of cover portraits 2009-2010. Previous year | Next year November-December 2009 issue #67. Cover family are expats Will Shank and U.B. Morgan and their daughter, Stassa. January-February 2010 issue #68. On the cover is Mikayla Connell, Board President of the executive committee of the board of directors for the San […]

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