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Gay Parent Magazine

Wedding Announcement – Karen McKnight and Anne Fisher

Karen McKnight and Anne Fisher were married September 22, 2012

Karen McKnight and Anne Fisher
were married September 22, 2012
(click to enlarge)


Karen and Anne with their children.

Karen and Anne with their children
(click to enlarge)


Would love to send a photo to you of my family…it’s important for the community to see that we have happy and loving homes raising children just as heterosexuals do. My lovely partner Anne spent 14 years in the ARMY where she couldn’t live her life as an openly gay woman. We have come a long way even since then and now we are legally domestic partners in Arizona and have an 11 year old and 2 year old that we adore. We hope that soon we can be legally married. I enjoy your articles and commend you in bringing out the positive aspects of our community and giving us as gay/lesbian parents something to relate too.

Karen McKnight

Photos courtesy of Karen McKnight

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